
Im mostly developing in Python, HTML and JSS. Basicly learnig is a life long process and i'm still trying to grasp it.

github supports hosting of static pages to tell a bit more about your projects and repos.

This is an excellent idea to tell more about your repo for people who dont normally code.

Home assistant

Im spending some time with home assistant since it does keep my electric bill way smaller than it would be other wise.

Weather hub or mobile alerts as it's also is knowed for is a thermometer that works very well with H/A.

If you like to use my version of it you need to tell H/A to use a tailored repo and then link it there.


Learnig web technologies can never be a waste of time and a rapid development frame work like py4web suits my needs perfectly. Did I mention that its MVC and have a lot of cool feature and the community is super friendly.


You need to have some spare time and that is spent on the sea, at the sea or talking about the sea.